Salt River Narrows Meander Activation and Restoration Project

One section of the project area with visible eroding banks and unstable channel dimensions.

(upcoming restoration project)

The Salt River Narrows is characterized as a higher gradient section of the Salt River where Star Valley constricts between the Upper and Lower Valleys just south of Thayne. In one portion of the Narrows, the river valley widens and the Salt River used to have high sinuosity and stream length. Due to channel manipulation, bridge construction, and other factors, multiple meander cut-offs in this section have reduced stream length from 2-plus miles to approximately 1.35 miles over the last 70 years. The steepened channel has reduced habitat quality and abundance for trout, reduced stream function, and exacerbated erosion issues in the reach. Working with three landowners, BLM, and USFS, Trout Unlimited and WGFD hired a design consultant in April of 2024 to begin designing the restoration of this section of stream. Restoration will entail activating historic meanders to add stream length, stabilizing eroding banks, enhancing trout habitat, and restoring floodplain and riparian habitat.